New rules
New rules and edit rules are used for limit visibility and editability of columns and groups of a table. The new rules are applied in the record creation form, i.e. in the time, when record does not exist yet.
New rules list
The default setting (when no single rule is defined) is the edit permission for every group and every column (except expression columns, of course).
It is possible to add any number of new rules to a table. The order of rules on the list does not affect the final result.
It is important to remember that rules are cumulative. View and edit permissions from different rules are summed - final see/edit permission is result of logic AND operation. It means that if a permission is applicable for a user by a single rule, it will be active even if the other rules do not give such permissions.
Note: the new and edit rules are not a mechanism providing full access control. To protect data from unauthorized read or write you should use access control mechanism.
A new rule definition
The definition of a new rule contains the following parameters:
Access level which will be applied to columns and groups. There are two possible values:
Visible means that the specified columns and groups will be in the read only mode,
Editable means that all specified columns and groups (except expression columns) will be visible.
Columns - list of columns to be the subject of the rule.
Groups - list of groups controlled by the rule.
Roles - list of roles for which the rule will be applied. If no role is specified, the rule will be applied to all roles.
Suggestions let to define values automatically filled when the new record form is loaded. It can be for example simple value, the ID of the user, current date and time or more complex expression. The definition is composed of two parameters:
Column which will be automatically filled,
Expression which result will be inserted into the column; it is possible to use the expression editor in this place.
Note that it doesn't matter if the rule containing the suggestions is in editable or visible access level. In both cases the value calculated by the expression will be inserted into column, but in case of visible rule user will not be able to modify it's value.
Note that if a column is not present in any rule (directly or by group assignment), it will not be displayed on the new record screen.