Are you tired of SharePoint lists? Try InstaDB.
The new powerful extension for Microsoft SharePoint. Build on rock solid InstaDB platform, which let you create SharePoint application easier and faster.
InstaDB field formulas (here called the expression columns) can use almost complete SQL syntax and SQL functions. Plus the aggregate functions generator. The result of an expression can be of any data type, including a reference!
InstaDB do not use SharePoint lists but the real multi-table relational data model. That increase the efficiency and makes implementation a lot easier.
With InstaDB you can in a single form enter data of a record and data of records which refer to it. For example you may easily create the order form, which contains forms for any number of order positions.
SharePoint reference selection widget doesn't work if the number of target records exceed 5000 (unless there is an index on searched column). InstaDB have no such limitation and the reference selection widget can process millions of target records with ease.
Automatically added filters allow for filtering with every field of the table. And the reference field filter can be expanded to the set of fields of target table. There is no limit of the depth of the by-the-reference filtering.
InstaDB offers fully dynamic access control, based not only on the individual user permissions but also on the state of a record. You can use SQL expressions to determine the access level for every single record. You can define access level for every single column of every table.
InstaDB has built-in easy to use SharePoint workflow management system. For every state you can define the following states, entry conditions and auto-calculated values.
InstaDB Pivots can be easily created by any user for any (accessible) data. A site collection administrator can create and save ready to use pivot reports for other users.
For better access management InstaDB provides (as an option) additional in-application roles. You can assign every user any set of roles, while the roles can determine range of permissions and available actions.
InstaDB engine provides it's own mechanism for attachments management. It solves the common problem of files with the same names. It is possible to upload any number of files with the same name and InstaDB will always be able to distinguish between them.